When teeth are flawed or unappealing, dental implants are a popular choice for restoration.
Dental implants have a number of benefits and are currently the most effective restoration method.
Despite this, everyone’s initial impression of dental implants is “know what it is, but the details are unclear.” Dental implants are not as mysterious as commonly believed. Next, I will briefly describe the entire dental implant procedure. I hope this will be of some assistance to you.
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Preoperative assessment
Oral examination
The most crucial aspects of the dental implant preparation process are the patient’s dental examination and the presence of oral diseases. The implantation procedure cannot be carried out until all hidden dangers to the patient have been eliminated.
If the bacteria on the periodontal enters the wound caused by the surgery, it will increase the likelihood of implant infection and cause the implant to fail. Additionally, conditions such as severe caries, residual root crowns, and poorly constructed fixed dentures must be treated prior to surgery.
Alveolar bone evaluation
Given that the implant will be embedded in the alveolar bone, the success of dental implants must be correlated with the bone density and quality of the alveolar bone. Before implanting the tooth, it is necessary to evaluate the bone quality.
Create the temporary denture
Because the majority of patients require temporary dentures to aid in implant and bone healing, the temporary teeth must be fabricated prior to surgery, and the patient can begin wearing them immediately after the procedure so that it does not interfere with normal life.
Check during surgical procedures
Implant structure
The three components of fixed dental implants are the implant (artificial root), the abutment (connector), and the crown. The implant represents the root, the abutment represents the trunk, and the crown represents the branches and leaves on the trunk.
Implant Placement
The alveolar bone is drilled and an artificial implant is inserted. Make tight stitches within the gum bed, and it will take approximately one week to remove them. Then you must wait for osseointegration to occur.
- Install the recuperative abutment
- Then, pass the implant through the gums and wait for the formation of soft tissue.
- Replace abutment for permanent healing
- The use of dental implants
- Dental implant installation
You must return to the hospital for twice-yearly checkups following surgery.
A successful dental implant installation does not guarantee that all is well. There are no concerns. If you desire a healthy tooth and to extend the life of the dental implant, you should not be sluggish during any of the steps.