In an earlier article, Foods That Are Bad For Your Teeth, I discussed three main groups of foods that can be harmful to your dental health. These included sweets and sweeteners, low-fat foods, and foods containing white flour, particularly bleached flour.
With this essay, I’d like to spend some time discussing an area that I believe receives much too little attention, whether from patients or dentists. This could be due to the fact that by the time many patients arrive at the Zahnarzt, they are looking for a solution to a specific problem. In this way, the market has conditioned both patients and doctors to focus on the ultimate result.
This has a purpose and meets a need. Patients in pain often do not want to hear about what they should eat; instead, they want to know how to manage their pain. However, knowing what foods help repair teeth may be an important factor in determining their future long-term dental stability.
In today’s economic climate, health care has faced numerous obstacles, with consumers confronted with exorbitant medical and dental bills. As a result, health treatment is usually saved for handling crises. This is actually counterproductive, because emergency dental care is equally costly. When this is combined with the patient’s desire to cut money, the “treatment” may be a decision to extract the troublesome tooth. Later, when the patient begins to regret his decision and seeks tooth replacements, he may realise that the replacement prices are many times higher than if the problem had been addressed as soon as it was found.
The quality of the food we eat can also be influenced by economic factors. Many people would choose the cheapest things in order to save money. These are normally relatively profitable for the maker, but they are frequently highly processed and quite harmful to your health.
So, what exactly do you need to know?
Let’s start with a basic concept: whatever you eat that arrives in a box, jar, can, or plastic wrapper has been processed.
The single most essential thing you can manage to establish or maintain a healthy mouth is your diet. When you eat too many processed meals, especially ones high in sugar and bleached flour, you cause impacts that you may not notice right away. For example, elevated blood sugar levels can result in elevated cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone produced by your adrenal gland that is responsible for blood sugar elevation. It also has an effect on the flow of parotin (a salivary gland hormone), which can lead to cavities. Cortisol also inhibits bone formation by competing with insulin, which governs carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body.
Inability to metabolise fats, on the other hand, can prevent you from benefiting from healthy foods that can help you repair your teeth.
As you can see, it’s similar to the children’s song “The ankle bone connects to the foot bone. And the ankle bone has a connection to the leg bone.” The main conclusion is that what we do – or don’t do – might have unanticipated and negative consequences when it comes to our nutrition and teeth.
Maintaining appropriate hormone levels is critical for your oral health as well as your overall wellness. When hormones are balanced, the link between demineralization and remineralization is balanced. Calcium and phosphorus can be drawn out of the blood and cause shortages in our bones and teeth when they are out of balance. It can also cause a condition in which your body gets overly acidic. Bacteria and fungus grow more readily in an acidic environment. If there is one take-home message from this essay, it should be that eating real food – that is, unprocessed food as nature intended – will not only benefit your overall health, but will also benefit your teeth.
So, what foods are beneficial for your teeth?
- Proteins: Consume proteins to help manage blood sugar levels. As previously stated, blood sugar variations are a major cause of mineral loss. High-quality proteins, such as grass-fed beef or wild game, are preferred. While I understand that this may be an issue for vegetarians, it does not change the reality that meats contain the most productive storage of minerals, protein, and lipids. Vegetarians must receive their protein from eggs and cheese.
- Phosphorus-containing foods: Phosphorus, which is maybe more vital than calcium for your teeth, can be gotten through milk and cheese. The best milk is raw, unpasteurized milk. Vegetarians should have no issue acquiring their phosphorous from these sources unless they are totally vegan. Organ meats from both land and sea creatures are also good suppliers of phosphorus. Muscle meats (the most common meats consumed, as opposed to organ meats such as liver or kidney) are also good sources, as are beans and nuts. Phosphorus levels in organ meats are higher than in muscle meats. Although present in some grains, the amounts may be insufficient or difficult to absorb, making this a poor choice for your teeth.
- Trace minerals are important: In addition to phosphorus, deficits in iron, copper, magnesium, and manganese can lead to tooth disease. Iron-rich foods include shellfish and organ meats. Copper can be found in the liver and mollusks. Mushrooms contain smaller quantities. Magnesium can be found in foods such as fish, almonds, and spinach. Manganese is found in a variety of foods, including liver, kidneys (organ meats), mussels, almonds, and pineapple, to mention a few. Other trace minerals may possibly play a role, but there are far too many to list here.
- Healthy fats: These are not only a good source of energy, but they also help to maintain hormonal function and balance. Olive oil, butter, beef, chicken, pork, and duck fat are all examples of good fats. Avocado and coconut oil are other good sources of healthful fats, especially if they are organic. Vegetable fats do not typically contain the vitamins that aid in the re-building of our teeth.
- Vitamins D and A that are fat soluble: Simply said, we can’t get calcium and phosphorus into our bones or teeth if we don’t have enough of these two vitamins. These two vitamins are often deficient in those who have dental rot. Seafood is a good source of vitamin D. If you don’t have easy access to seafood or don’t like it, lard, or pork fat, will come in handy. However, suet, or beef fat, appears to be more effective. Daily exposure to sunlight is another good (and quite simple) strategy to obtain Vitamin D. Another simple approach to add Vitamin D into your diet is to consume fermented cod liver oil.
The single most effective measure you can do to protect your teeth – and your general health – is to eat healthily. It is also something over which you have some control. Take the time to discover which foods include proteins, phosphorous, healthy fats, vitamins D and A, and trace minerals, and you’ll be on your way to healthier teeth and gums!
Die nächste Revolution in der Zahnpflege steht vor der Tür. Mit unseren benutzerfreundlichen Dentalressourcen können Sie Ihre Zähne besser pflegen. Von Bleaching und Bonding bis hin zu Kronen und Implantaten stehen Ihnen zahlreiche Informationen zur Verfügung Zahnarzt in meiner Nähe, dem Ihre Zahn- und allgemeine Gesundheit am Herzen liegt.