Aide d'urgence ! 7010650063
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  3. Combien de temps dure un traitement de canal sans couronne ?
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On ne peut pas être en bonne santé sans une bouche saine

Formulaire de santé

UN couronne is a tooth restoration that protects the tooth from further damage and also acts as a foundation for filling. The average canal radiculaire treatment lasts 3-5 years. When a couronne is placed on top of a canal radiculaire, it extends the longevity of the canal radiculaire and keeps the tooth healthy for longer. However, you can have a canal radiculaire without a crown at any time. A canal radiculaire should be performed if your tooth is severely decayed or if you have damaged your nerve. A crown should be used if your tooth has suffered trauma or is cracked, and it needs to be supported by a metal post. You can get a canal radiculaire without a crown at any time.

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