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  2. Tueur de dents silencieux : maladie parodontale

Tueur de dents silencieux : maladie parodontale

Chronic periodontitis represents a large group of common chronic diseases known as periodontal disease. The authoritative disease census indicates that 80 to 90 percent of adults suffer from this disease. And periodontal disease is now the leading cause of adult tooth loss, accounting for more than 80 percent of cases.

Some people will say, ” You’re making this up. If so many people have periodontal disease, how come I don’t see it in my neighbourhood?”

In actuality, this is an illusion; periodontal disease is on our side. The acute attack of periodontal disease results in a periodontal abscess, swelling of the gums, and pain, and we dare not bite. We interpret this as anger and consume the gunpowder one by one. In actuality, periodontal disease will return periodically, and countless delicacies, such as lychee, hot pot, seafood, spicy, and lamb, will be lost forever. This is the result of periodontal disease.

As I aged, I began to grind my teeth when eating. One by one, the teeth became loose, the front teeth were also fractured, and the teeth fell out. In reality, this is due to periodontal disease as well as old age and ineffectiveness.

Bleeding from brushing is the typical symptom, so you must be a little alarmed, right? But why is it that periodontal disease has such severe consequences, yet we never feel like patients?

Due to the low-key nature of periodontal disease, it typically takes more than ten years or decades to destroy our oral health gradually.

Early-stage periodontal disease does not cause excruciating toothache. Since quite some time, only the colour and texture of the gums and the presence of blood streaks when brushing the teeth have changed slightly. You continue to feel fine, but the gums are already unhealthy.

Now the editor summarises the attribution of periodontal disease: the primary cause of periodontal disease is dirty teeth, which are constantly irritating the gums and causing periodontal disease.

Why do gums bleed when periodontal disease is present?

Because the body wants to eliminate these harmful substances through the blood’s immune cells;

Why does periodontal disease cause gum recession?

Because the gums attempt to avoid the plaque on the teeth in this manner;

Why does gum disease result in loose teeth?

Long-term inflammation leads to the absorption and destruction of the bone surrounding the tooth’s root, causing the tooth to lose support.

Why does gum disease lead to bad breath?

Because these filthy things exude an abundance of foul substances.

Therefore, from an etiological standpoint, the treatment of periodontal disease is simple: simply cleaning the teeth. However, we must determine exactly what needs to be cleaned up.

Plaque is a bacterial community that grows on the surface of teeth; these bacteria are the primary cause of periodontal disease. The adhesion of dental plaque to the tooth surface is quite reliable, and it cannot be removed by rinsing with a mouthwash of sufficient vigour. It can only be cleaned with mechanical brushing power. In the oral cavity, dental plaque can calcify to form dental calculus, which is even more difficult to remove. It is firmly attached to the teeth and constantly poisons the gums. It can only be extracted using specialised dental equipment. That is, brushing one’s teeth

Friends who have washed their teeth have observed that tartar is broken off the teeth and washed away by the sourness of the water.

Is it not possible to completely prevent periodontal disease by regularly brushing our teeth?

no! In the oral cavity, bacteria live in symbiosis with the human body. As long as we remain alive, bacteria will be more hydrated than we are. However, bacteria require a substantial amount and period of time. Although they cannot be eliminated entirely, they can be diminished. Bacteria reproduce rapidly and efficiently. It is difficult to sustain a healthy oral environment with professional cleanings only once or twice a year. In order to maintain oral health, it is essential that we brush our teeth twice daily.

If you return and brush your teeth thoroughly after tooth-washing, the effect can be maintained very well. By the age of 80, you will still have 20 teeth; if you return to not brushing properly, calculus will regenerate within a week and your gums will continue to recede. Thus, periodontal disease, a three-point treatment, and a seven-point diet.

How to elevate it?

Mechanical cleaning plus chemical bacteriostasis, i.e., a scouring pad and detergent, is the currently accepted method for plaque removal. Mechanical cleaning, primarily toothbrushes and dental floss, uses scientific equipment and methods to ensure that every tooth surface is brushed.

Chemical antibacterial, primarily toothpaste and mouthwash, toothpaste has long served a purpose beyond enhancing friction. Its various active ingredients can inhibit and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in the oral cavity for an extended period of time. The adhesion on the tooth surface maintains the cleanliness of the teeth until the next time they are brushed.

One of the health criteria proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) is the presence of clean teeth, absence of caries, absence of pain, normal gum colour, and absence of bleeding. Please use a toothpaste containing stannous fluoride and brush your teeth twice daily for your health.

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