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How Healthy Teeth Help You to Stay Healthy

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Long before vitamins or focused illnesses were known, the relevance of teeth to general health and efficiency was recognised in a broad sense. Toothaches were once as common as colds, and slave purchasers and horse traffickers would inspect the teeth of their prospective purchases before making a purchase. However, only recently has there been a focus on tooth care and preservation.

Early investigations of the cause and prevention of dental caries suggested that there might be a single causal element, but subsequent findings demonstrate that the problem is multifaceted, with nutrition, heredity, internal fluids, mechanical factors, and oral hygiene being the most important.

Dental Caries and Diet

There is now widespread consensus that food is most likely the most important single aspect in maintaining sound, healthy teeth, and that a proper diet is especially vital during the period of most rapid growth. McCullum and Simmonds conclude from an experimental investigation that rats fed a poor diet for a portion of their developing period have poor teeth and early decay, even when an appropriate food is provided later. McCullum also observed that at the age of beginning school, 9 percent of children who had been breast-fed for at least 6 months, 22% of children who were fed cow’s milk or milk mixtures, and 27% of children who were fed oatmeal water and other prepared foods had dental caries. This would imply that the foundation of dental health is established very early in life, but it now appears that the prenatal period is also quite important in this regard. As a result, a proper diet during pregnancy is now being emphasised.

Despite the fact that nutrition is important, there does not appear to be a single dietary element that is responsible for dental caries. Calcium and phosphorus, two elements present in bones and teeth, as well as vitamin D, which regulates the body’s utilisation of these minerals, are definitely necessary. Calcium and Vitamin D were thought to be the most important of them, but current research suggests that phosphorus is just as important, if not more so, than calcium. Milk, some vegetables, and fish are high in both calcium and phosphorus. During the winter months, vitamin D is likely to be lacking in natural foods, but it can easily supplemented with cod liver oil, vitamin D milk, or viosterol.

Children have long been refused candy due to the idea that sugar causes dental decay, and studies conducted in orphanages where diets are closely controlled reveal that the prevalence of dental caries is strongly connected to the amount of carbohydrate in the diet. Cereals that have had the hull removed appear to have an unfavourable effect on tooth development, and numerous researchers believe that oatmeal contributes directly to the production of caries.

Divergent viewpoints on the relationship between nutrition and oral health might be perplexing. Apparently, no single dietary ingredient is responsible for caries resistance, but multiple factors are required for good tooth development and long-term tooth health. For practical reasons, a well-balanced diet rich in milk, orange juice, fresh fruits and vegetables, and, for children, cod-liver oil or another form of vitamin D, can suffice to meet the nutritional needs of the teeth.


“A clean tooth never decays,” as the saying goes. The definition of cleanliness determines whether or not this is true. If cleanliness indicates a lack of bacteria, the statement is most likely correct. However, because bacteria are continually present in the mouth and in the food we eat, it is impossible to have bacteriologically clean teeth.

The action of acids created by bacterial degradation of food, first on the enamel and later on the softer dentine of the tooth, is the mechanism of decay. This acid’s impact on the tooth structure might start in any crack, irregularity, or break in the enamel. When there is a large accumulation of dietary ingredients, the amount of breakdown and acid generation is maximum. In truth, decay most usually occurs between the teeth, where it is impossible to prevent food accumulations. As a result, while cleanliness of the teeth is not the sole or even the most essential component in the prevention of dental decay, it is not without value.

Recent investigations of bacteria present in the mouth have provided some insight into this element of the disease. Caries grow quickly if a certain germ called Lactobacillus acidophilus is present in large quantities. This is due to the fact that these bacteria react with carbohydrates, particularly sugars, on and around the teeth to produce acids that erode the enamel and dentine. These studies have also demonstrated that if people have an overabundance of lactobacilli in their mouths, the amount of caries can be lowered by avoiding sweets and other easily fermentable carbohydrates.

Certain chemicals applied to the teeth appear to neutralise the acids generated by bacteria’s activity on carbohydrates, thereby reducing caries. Some of these compounds are currently found in toothpastes labelled “ammoniated.”

Dental Caries and Fluoride

Over the last few years, inquiries have taken a new direction. The only chemical difference between carious and non-carious teeth was discovered to be that carious teeth contain less fluorine, a chemical element found in trace levels in the bones and teeth. This was followed by a study of the fluorine concentration of drinking water in places where dental cavities are uncommon and areas where they are common. Again, a variation in fluorine content was discovered. According to the findings of these investigations, the presence of roughly 1 part fluorine per 1,000,000 parts drinking water leads in a lower prevalence of caries. Fluorine in this level, by the way, produces some mottling of the teeth.

On the basis of this information, various researchers have experimented with applying fluorine to the surface of children’s teeth. Knutson and Armstrong reported in this study that applying a 2% sodium fluoride solution to the teeth resulted in 40% reduced caries in 289 children over a year than in 326 untreated controls. On teeth with cavities, no healing effect was observed. Although the use of fluorine to prevent dental caries is a promising avenue of research, it is currently in the experimental stage.

Other extremely important experiments are those in which minute amounts of sodium fluoride are supplied to the water supply of numerous cities with low fluoride levels. If this proves effective in avoiding caries, it will be a significant step forward in the control of this most common of human diseases.

Other factors play a role in determining tooth health, as evidenced by the fact that some people are immune to caries regardless of how unbalanced their diet or how dirty their mouth is, and others get caries despite having a perfectly appropriate diet and excellent oral hygiene. One of these additional elements is most likely hereditary, and another could be the functioning of the glands of internal secretion.

Infections of the apex

The most deadly sort of oral infection is known as “apical abscess,” which develops around the roots of teeth. Infectious organisms typically enter these sites through deep cavities in the pulp of the tooth and along the root canal. Abscesses, on the other hand, can form around the roots of seemingly healthy teeth.

A tooth root infection begins as a small inflammatory region in the bone where the tooth is embedded. These infections cannot drain unless an abscess forms and rises to the surface, forming a “gum boil.” As a result, their harmful byproducts, as well as the bacteria themselves, may be absorbed into the blood and lymph system and disseminated throughout the body. Toxic compounds induce weariness, lassitude, and a variety of aches and pains, while bacteria that are absorbed can cause infections in the joints, kidneys, or heart valves. Abscesses at the roots of some upper jaw teeth can spread directly into the antrum, resulting in one of the most severe types of sinus infection. These root abscesses are typically accompanied by discomfort, although they can form without warning, particularly in the roots of “dead” teeth. The only effective treatment is tooth extraction, which results in free drainage.

Pyorrhea and gingivitis

Gingivitis is an inflammatory condition of the gums, but Pyorrhea denotes the presence of real pus. Normal gums are pink or pale red, thin, and firm. They should be treated if they turn bright red or purplish, become soft, bloated, and spongy, or bleed easily. An bad gum condition might be caused by a poor diet, mechanical irritation, or bacterial infection.

Vitamin C appears to be the dietary element most directly connected to gum health. A spongy, bleeding condition of the gums is a characteristic indication of scurvy, a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C. Hanke observed that adding a pint of orange juice and one lemon juice to the daily diet resulted in the virtually full eradication of gingivitis.

Mechanical injury to the gums can occur as a result of incorrect toothbrush use or the formation of tartar lime-like deposits on the teeth at the gum margin. This type of mechanical injury irritates the skin and is commonly followed by subsequent infection.

Exercise and gum massage through biting and chewing help to maintain enough circulation and a healthy condition. As a result, it is critical to keep teeth in good condition so that they can be used consistently and uniformly. Missing teeth and decayed fillings make it difficult to chew properly. A gentle massage of the gums with the fingertips or a toothbrush, employing a stroke toward the gum margin, can assist to maintain adequate circulation.

Pyorrhea is a more serious gum infection that necessitates professional care. It cannot be cured with mouthwash, toothpaste, or powder.

Trench Mouth

“Trench mouth” refers to a severe form of gingivitis that was studied extensively during World War I. This is caused by a specific bacteria that is easily transmitted from person to person, either directly or indirectly via drinking glasses or dining utensils. Trench mouth is difficult to treat for a doctor or a dentist.

Dental and Oral Hygiene

Cleanliness of the mouth and teeth is vital from both an aesthetic and a sanitary standpoint. Because of the inconsistencies in the shape of the teeth and the spaces between them, it is difficult to keep the mouth clean. Nonetheless, by using a toothbrush and dental floss on a regular basis, the teeth can be kept relatively free of food and mucus deposits. When you wake up in the morning, after each meal, and before going to bed, you should wipe your mouth.

Brushing your teeth

The greatest results appear to be obtained with a small or medium-sized brush with a straight or slightly convex brushing surface. The bristles should be short and firm, with the tufts widely apart and comprising bristles of various lengths. The price of the brush is not always a good indicator of its worth.

Brushing your teeth should be done with cold water since hot water softens the bristles. After using a brush, it should be rinsed and allowed to dry completely before using it again. It is a good idea to have various brushes that may be used alternatively.

Brush the teeth on all surfaces that the brush may reach. Dental floss should be used to clean all other surfaces. Brushing the teeth with the bristles slanted away from the gums is a technique that is suggested. Then, using a gently rotational motion, massage the bristles between and over the teeth’s surface. If the gum margins tend to recede, massage the gums with the brush when cleaning the teeth, using a gentle stroke toward the edge of the gum border.

Pastes and powders for the teeth

The main advantage of dentifrices is that they are pleasant to use and encourage regular dental care. They do nothing to help with cleaning and little to help with tooth preservation. They also do not prevent pyorrhea and gingivitis. And, in certain cases, using dentifrices is worse than doing nothing at all, because they include abrasive, gritty substances that wear down the enamel of the teeth. Finely precipitated chalk or bicarbonate of soda, with or without flavouring, is a practical, safe, and satisfactory dentifrice. Ammoniated dentifrices, which were recently developed, may have genuine utility in reducing caries.


Mouthwashes have only one advantage: they provide a pleasant impression of cleanliness. They have no discernible antiseptic characteristics. They are unnecessary if the mouth is healthy; otherwise, they are worthless.

There is some evidence that long-term usage of some popular “antiseptic gargles” may be dangerous. Whether or not this is right, it is unwise for consumers to be cajoled into spending money on such preparations by ad copywriters who know nothing about health and are reckless.

Dental Treatment

The choosing of a qualified dentist is the most important aspect of dental care. Cheap, incompetent dentistry usually means one of the following: decay left under fillings to infect the pulp and cause apical abscesses, poorly prepared cavities from which fillings easily become loose, poorly fitting fillings that allow decay around their edges, difficult work neglected, and good teeth sacrificed to poor judgement. One does not obtain something for nothing in dentistry, as one does not get something for nothing in other areas of life. The long-term expense of substandard dentistry is substantially more than the initial cost of good work.

According to an American Dental Association report, dental science has yet to discover a strategy to prevent caries. The only effective way to treat the disease is to fill impacted teeth in the early stages of decay. Unless this is done, the caries-affected teeth will nearly always be lost. As a result, the only reasonable current technique of satisfying schoolchildren’s dental health needs is to fill all carious permanent teeth.

Teeth should be cleaned and checked on a six-month or three-month basis. The thorough cleaning aids in the prevention of deterioration, and the examination reveals cavities when they are still in their early stages and are of minimal relevance. When cavities are effectively treated when they are tiny, the progression of decay is halted and the structure of the tooth is preserved. Postponing or ignoring important dental work is not a cost-cutting measure. Routine dental care should begin at the age of two to be most effective. Dentistry is costly, and even the most skilled reconstructive work is not as satisfying as healthy, natural teeth.


Disagreeable breath odour can be caused by decayed teeth, collections of decomposing food between the teeth, infections in the nose or sinuses, plugs in the tonsil crypts, or malodorous volatile compounds removed from the blood stream through the lungs. Conditions affecting the teeth can be treated with dentistry and dental hygiene; nose and throat infections can be treated with medical care. Low-fat diets can minimise, if not eliminate, the discharge of unpleasant smells from the lungs. Mouthwashes may temporarily mask unpleasant odours, but they never completely erase the odour or remove the source of the odour.

I am convinced that the entire cosmos is interconnected. Our body, mind, and spirit are inextricably linked. When the body is ill, the mind is unable to relax or feel well. And if the mind is not relaxed, it will produce stress, which will lead to chronic health problems.

As a result, it is apparent that in order to have a healthy body, we must also have a quiet and serene mind. We cannot hope to reach our full potential unless we have a healthy mind.

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