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  2. दांत दर्द के कारणों की स्व-जाँच सूची

दांत दर्द के कारणों की स्व-जाँच सूची

Here is the Toothache causes list

Teeth are the most important part of our body and if it is painful and damaged then it is not good. There are many reasons behind the pain and it is not possible for any person to identify the exact reason. Sometimes, it is hard to identify the exact cause of the toothache.

If you have a toothache, then it is necessary to check the toothache causes list and then you will be able to identify the exact cause of your toothache. Toothache is one of the most common problem faced by people and when you have it then it becomes a big issue.

You should check the toothache causes list for identifying the actual reason of the toothache.

There are many causes of the toothache and if you are not aware of them then you will not be able to get rid of the problem. If you are not aware of the causes then it is better for you to check them and get an idea about the root cause of the problem.

Here are the top four causes of the toothache:

1. Broken tooth

Broken teeth are the most common cause of the toothache. If you have a broken tooth then it is the most important thing that you should take care of. In this condition, you will have severe pain and it will be hard to get it fixed.

2. Cavity

Cavity is another important cause of the toothache. If you have a cavity in your tooth then you will have severe pain. You need to get it fixed as soon as possible.

3. Tooth decay

If you have a tooth that is decayed then you will feel the pain. If you don’t get it treated then it will lead to severe pain and swelling.

4. Gum disease

Gum disease is also a major cause of the toothache. If you have gum disease then it will cause severe pain and it will be hard for you to eat.


I hope you liked this post about “Toothache causes list”. This was the best and most useful thing to check if you have a toothache.

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