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Making Use of the Proper Tools
Make use of an excellent toothbrush:
Select a toothbrush with nylon bristles that are gentle. This must properly remove plaque and debris from your teeth while not hurting the gums or eroding dental enamel, as stiff bristles brushes can do when used sideways. The toothbrush should also fit comfortably in your palm and have a tiny enough head to easily reach all of your teeth, particularly the rear ones. If you can’t fit the toothbrush into your mouth, it’s definitely too huge.
Electric toothbrushes are an excellent alternative if you are a sluggish brusher and believe that using an electric toothbrush will motivate you to spend more time brushing your teeth. You may, however, perform just as well with a manual toothbrush; it’s all in the technique.
Brushes with “natural” bristles made of animal hair should be avoided at all costs because they can harbour bacteria.
Regularly replace your toothbrush.
Over time, the bristles will wear down and lose their flexibility and efficacy. You should replace it every 3 to 4 months, or if the bristles begin to splay out and lose their shape. The visual inspection of the toothbrush is more significant than the timetable itself. You can also get toothbrushes with color-changing handles that change colour when it’s time to replace them.
Thousands of microbes name toothbrush bristles and handles “Home” and can cause diseases, according to research.
Always clean your brush after use and store it upright and uncovered so it can dry before the next time you use it. Bacteria will develop otherwise.
Make use of fluoride toothpaste.
It not only removes plaque but also strengthens tooth enamel. It is crucial to note, however, that fluoride toothpaste should not be eaten because consuming too much might have major health repercussions. It is not suitable for youngsters under the age of three.
Toothpastes are available to treat a wide range of dental and gum issues, including cavities, tartar, sensitive teeth and gums, gingivitis, and discoloured teeth. Choose the one that best suits you, or get guidance from your dentist or hygienist.
Make use of dental floss.
Flossing your teeth is just as important as brushing because it eliminates plaque, bacteria, and food particles that become caught between the teeth and that soft, floppy toothbrush bristles can’t reach even when used in an up/down natural motion. Flossing before brushing your teeth ensures that any food or bacteria that comes loose while flossing does not linger in your mouth.
Keep in mind to floss lightly. Avoid “snapping” the floss between the teeth because this might irritate sensitive gums. Gently ease it down, following the contour of each tooth.
Look for dental picks instead of dental floss if you find it difficult to use or if you have braces. These are small wooden or plastic sticks that can be inserted between teeth to achieve the same results as flossing if the gaps are large enough.
Master the Brushing Technique
Make use of a modest bit of toothpaste.
Only a pea-sized amount of toothpaste should be squeezed onto your toothbrush. Too much toothpaste might create oversudsing, luring you to spit and finish too soon. Furthermore, it raises your chances of eating more fluoride-containing toothpaste, which is extremely harmful.
If brushing your teeth causes pain, try brushing more softly with an accurate up/down motion only, or use a toothpaste intended for sensitive teeth.
Set your bristles at a 45-degree angle at the gum line.
Brush gently in a short, vertical or circular motion. Brush your teeth sparingly.
Brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes.
Brush a few teeth at a time, working your way around your mouth in a cycle (starting outside lower left round to outside lower right, then outside upper right to upper left, inside uppers before inside upper right inside lower right, finally inside lower left) to get every tooth, spending about 12 to 15 seconds in each spot. You can divide your mouth into four quadrants if it helps: top left, top right, bottom left, and bottom right. You’ll get a full two minutes of brushing time if you spend 30 seconds on each quadrant.
If you are bored, try brushing your teeth while watching TV or humming a tune to yourself. Brushing your teeth for the duration of a song will ensure thorough brushing.
Floss your molars
Position the toothbrush so that the bristles are perpendicular to your lips or on top of your bottom molars. Brush your teeth in an in-and-out motion, moving from the rear to the front of your mouth. Rep on the opposite side of your mouth. After cleaning the bottom teeth, flip the toothbrush over and concentrate on the top molars. Swing the lower jaw to the side you’re working on to gain access to the outside upper molars. This will increase the amount of area available to move your brush up and down numerous times, preventing sideways motion.
Brush your tongue gently.
After you’ve cleaned your teeth, gently brush your tongue with the bristles of your toothbrush. (Be careful not to press too hard or you could injure the tissue.) This helps to keep bad breath at bay and removes bacteria from your tongue.
To sum up:
Rinse your mouth.
If you want to rinse your teeth after brushing, take a sip from a disposable cup or cup your hands under the faucet. Spit it out after swishing it around your mouth.
It should be noted that there is some disagreement about whether or not this is suggested. While some believe it affects the efficiency of topical fluoride treatment, others choose to avoid ingesting fluoride. Some people simply dislike having toothpaste in their mouths! If you have a high risk of cavities, it may be useful not to rinse or to rinse with a tiny amount of water, effectively forming a fluoride mouthwash.
Other research have found that rinsing after brushing has little influence on the effectiveness of fluoride toothpaste brushing.
Brush your teeth.
Hold your toothbrush under running water for a few seconds to rinse away any bacteria. If you don’t thoroughly rinse your toothbrush, you may bring old bacteria into your mouth the next time you use it. Rinsing also gets rid of any residual toothpaste. Placing your toothbrush somewhere where it can easily dry out prevents bacteria from growing.
use a fluoride-based mouthwash (Optional)
Take a small sip of mouthwash and swish it around in your mouth for about 30 seconds before spitting it out. Take care not to consume any.
Using salt water, rinse your mouth (Optional)
The harmful bacteria on your teeth are killed by saltwater. There’s a myth that saltwater is corrosive and will destroy teeth if used excessively. It’s best not to use it too frequently, because too much of anything is harmful.
Remember to wash your teeth at least twice a day.
Brushing your teeth at least twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed, is recommended by most dentists. Even better if you can squeeze in a third time somewhere in the middle! Brushing at a 45° angle helps eliminate plaque and food/drink particles from your teeth more effectively than brushing normally. You should also aim to avoid snacking between meals as much as possible, as this causes additional food debris and bacteria to accumulate in your mouth.
Quick Recap
- Brush your teeth at least twice a day, in the morning and before bed. Brush your teeth after each meal if feasible, but don’t overdo it: too much brushing is bad for your teeth.
- After drinking soda, wine, or acidic liquids like orange juice, wait at least 45 minutes before cleaning your teeth. Sodas and drinks leave acid residue on the teeth, and brushing can actually harm the enamel.
- It is not necessary to use mouthwash, but if you do, make sure it is alcohol-free.
- If you can’t clean your teeth after a meal, swish some water around in your mouth to loosen food particles.
Consider the following:
- Don’t brush too vigorously. Gums are extremely delicate tissue.
- Replace your toothbrush every three months. Gum disease can be caused by splayed toothbrush bristles.
- Never use another person’s toothbrush. Germs, bacteria, and illnesses can be transmitted through minute incisions in your mouth.
- To prevent dental enamel degradation, wait at least 45 minutes after eating acidic meals or drinks before brushing. Brush your teeth at least twice a day; failing to do so can lead to tooth decay.
- Take no toothpaste or mouthwash. They contain harmful compounds, such as ammonia and cetylpyridinium chloride, if consumed.
If you have any questions or would like to speak with one of our staff or a dentist about your teeth and oral health, please contact and schedule a complimentary visit.
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